Cynthia Cash is a graduate of Kirby High School, and went on to receive a Bachelors Degree in Communication with a focus in Broadcasting from the University of Memphis. She continued on...
"My purpose in being a board member of the Chief Clarence L. Cash Jr’s Firefighter Scholarship Fund is to aid in building a foundation that rewards, encourages...
Mrs. Felicia D. Layrock graduated from Kirby High School in 1987, attended Shelby State Community College where studied nursing and graduated with an Asso
Erika Johnson-Stephens is a native Memphian currently holding the position of Regional Human Resource Manager at Open Arms Cares LLC, with a responsibility for
"My service on the board of directors for the Chief Clarence Lee Cash Jr Scholarship Fund is to honor my father’s legacy in the Shelby County Fire Service. I hope to inspire...
Garmer Currie graduated from Central High School (1989) and went on to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Grambling State University (1993). Here is where he became a mem...
Tony McClain is a native of Memphis, TN and a graduate of Northside High School. Once graduating from high school, he entered into the United States Na...
"I am so honored to be apart of the Chief Clarence L Cash Firefighter Scholarship Foundation. I accepted this position on this board, due to the fact Chief Cash...
Dr. Johna Williams Taylor has an extensive career in advocacy and education. She has devoted over 15 years of service to educating students with disabilities. In the most recent years...
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